
Innovator I Mediator

Eileen Doohan is Founder and Director of ClimateHacks.org, a non-profit organization focused on raising social capital for locally-led climate action teamwork around the world.


Thomas Fiutak is a Senior Fellow in the Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. 

NGO Leader

Eric Fongoh is the Co-founder and Director of the International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV).


Martin Frick is the Deputy of the UN
Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the
Food System Summit 2021 and was the Senior Director of UN Climate Change where he was overseeing the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the secretariat’s Climate Action work.

Charalee Graydon
Writer I Journalist l Academic I Lawyer

Charalee Graydon is a writer, journalist and faculty member of Euclid University.

Maja Groff
International Lawyer

Maja Groff is an international lawyer based in The Hague, and is a Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission, which seeks to propose high impact global governance innovations adequate to meet the climate challenge.

Yeh-Tang Huang
Youth Leader

Yeh-Tang Huang is the Taiwan Coordinator of the International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV).


David Kay
Professor I Economist

David Kay is a faculty member Cornell University and member of the Climate Change Team of Mediators Beyond Borders International.

Laura Mai2
PhD Researcher l Lecturer

Laura Mai is a PhD Researcher and Visiting Lecturer at King’s College London, UK.

Sabushimike Mamert
Environmental Human Rights Defender

Sabushimike Mamert is the President of
the Association of Friends of Nature (AAN) and communication and advocacy officer of the Burundian Coalition of Human Rights Defenders.


Professor Aurma is a development professional with expertise in Leadership,
Governance, Project Development and Management, Public Policy Analysis and

Felipe Martins
Content Producer

Felipe Martins is Co-founder of GoMartins.org which carries out projects and expeditions throughout the Brazilian territory with the aim of bringing positive impacts both in the social and environmental areas.

Assistant Professor

Manjana Milkoreit is as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science of Purdue University.

Government Official

Felicity Morrison is currently the team leader of the UK Government Cabinet Office working on international climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC as part of the COP26 Presidency team.

Erimma Gloria Orie

Erimma Orie is a senior member of the Nigerian Bar Association and former Head of the Department of Private and Property Law in the Faculty of Law of the National Open University of Nigeria.

NGO Leader

Djibrine Atie Oudaa is the general secretary of the Association des Jeunes pour le Développement du Ouaddai (AJDO).

Anvita Pandey
Forest Ecologist l NGO Coordinator

Anvita Pandey is the Coordinator and Fellow at Centre for Ecology Development and Research, Dehradun, India.

Daniel Perrel
Lawyer I NGO Leader

Daniel Perell is the representative of the Baha’i International Community, an international non-governmental organization (NGO) representing the members of the Baháʼí Faith.

Conflict Transformation Practitioner

Prabha Sankaranarayan is the President and CEO of Mediators Beyond Borders International an international impact organization whose mission is to build local skills for peace and promote mediation worldwide.

Environmental Conflict Resolution Consultant l Facilitator l Mediator

Joseph Siegel is a teacher of Environmental Dispute Resolution in Hofstra Law School, New York and Climate Change and Resilience at the  Haub School of Law at Pace University, New York.

Youth Leader

Jin Tanaka is the Vice President of the Climate Youth Japan and Branch Manager of the University Student Chamber International (UNISC) focusing on Climate issues at COP 26.

Aarti is Professor of Global Environmental Governance at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, with a background in international relations and political science. Her recent research focuses on international climate policy, with an interest in questions of transparency and accountability. 


Abby Brown is a mediator, facilitator, and natural resources attorney based in Helena, Montana, United
States of America.

Adjeoda is General coordinator of the NGO Action pour le Développement du Sahel (ADESA) in Niger and representative of the NGO Micro Recyc Cooperation (MRC). He has more than 16 years of experience in development and emergency linked to climate change.

Dean Tony is a Filipino lawyereducator, and environmental policy expert. He is currently the executive director of the Manila Observatory. He currently teaches law, governance, and philosophy in various universities in the Philippines.

Anvita Pandey is the Coordinator and Fellow at Centre for Ecology Development and Research, Dehradun, India.

Dr. Arthur Lyon Dahl is President of the International Environment Forum, on the steering committee of the Climate Governance Commission, and a retired Deputy Assistant Executive Director of UNEP, where he coordinated the UN System-wide Earthwatch in Geneva and helped to draft Agenda 21.

Professor Aurma is a development professional with expertise in Leadership, Governance, Project Development and Management, Public Policy Analysis and Development.

Ben Cashore is a professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore specializing in governance, public policy and administration, and transnational business regulation.

Brianna is a Ph.D. Candidate in the International Relations program at Florida International University and earned her MA in International Studies en-route. In addition to pursuing her Ph.D., she has completed FIU certificates in Women and Gender Studies and in National Security Studies.

Charalee Graydon is a writer, journalist and faculty member of Euclid University.

Christine is an expert in multi-stakeholder planning and problem-solving, working in sectors including environment, sustainable development, justice and health.

Damian Croker is an international arbitrator and mediator at DCArbMed. He is founder/CEO of ODRPlat, a carbon neutral online dispute resolution platform and a former consultant to 51 to Carbon Zero, emissions measurement and reporting software and services.

Daniel Perell is the representative of the Baha’i International Community, an international non-governmental organization (NGO) representing the members of the Baháʼí Faith.

David Kay is a faculty member Cornell University and member of the Climate Change Team of Mediators Beyond Borders International.

Djibrine Atie Oudaa is the general secretary of the Association des Jeunes pour le Développement du Ouaddai (AJDO).

Ebere Akwuebu is a Nigerian lawyer who works as program manager of Environmental Law Research Institute.

Eileen Doohan is Founder and Director of ClimateHacks.org, a non-profit organization focused on raising social capital for locally-led climate action teamwork around the world.

Elemo is currently a postgraduate student at University of Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. He is Founder and executive director of CLAN – a non-governmental organization committed to combating climate change related issues in Nigeria and beyond. CLAN is a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Elizabeth works on research, policy and engagement around the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the leave no one behind principle. 

Eric Fongoh is the Co-founder and Director of the International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV).

Erimma Orie is a senior member of the Nigerian Bar Association and former Head of the Department of Private and Property Law in the Faculty of Law of the National Open University of Nigeria.

Felicity Morrison is currently the team leader of the UK Government Cabinet Office working on international climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC as part of the COP26 Presidency team.

Felipe Martins is Co-founder of GoMartins.org which carries out projects and expeditions throughout the Brazilian territory with the aim of bringing positive impacts both in the social and environmental areas.

Fidele is Environmental Practitioner and Expert, with a cumulative thirty-year track-record experience (with 20 years in leadership positions) spanning Government, Regional, NGO, Private Institutions and pertaining to Environmental Management / Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change within the Albertine Rift Region. 

Frank Biermann is a research professor of Global Sustainability Governance with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

Jack W. Stuart is sustainable development and security professional, specializing in systemic environmental risks, multi-level climate governance, and the conflict-climate nexus.

Jake is a certified mediator and research fellow for a United Nations affiliated research center. He has held numerous internships and fellowships with organizations like the U.S Department of State, National Disability Rights Network, and The Office of Congressman Jamie Raskin in the U.S House of Representatives.

Jecel Tandoc Censoro is a PhD Researcher in Global Politics (International Relations) at Newcastle University, UK and consultant on project management, monitoring and evaluation and policy development.

Jennifer Amejja is the founding member and Chief Executive Officer of Centre for Ecological Governance and Gender Initiatives.

Jin Tanaka is the Vice President of the Climate Youth Japan and Branch Manager of the University Student Chamber International (UNISC) focusing on Climate issues at COP 26.

Joseph Siegel is a teacher of Environmental Dispute Resolution in Hofstra Law School, New York and Climate Change and Resilience at the  Haub School of Law at Pace University, New York.

Joshua Miguel Lopez is an engineer and organizer who focuses on developing decentralized and polycentric networks for climate action, digital transformation, rural development, and youth leadership. 

Kaleem is founder and Managing Director of Guidance Consultancy (Home (guidanceconsultancy.co.uk). He is a multi-disciplinary change management consultant-analysts having worked on regulatory change, risk, compliance and performance improvement projects for public and private sector organisations in the UK with a global presence for over 15 years.

Karin Bäckstrand is a Professor in Environmental Social Science at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University. 

Katharine is the Principal Investigator of the Better Climate Governance Project and Professor in International Politics at Newcastle University, United Kingdom.

Laura Mai is a PhD Researcher and Visiting Lecturer at King’s College London, UK.

Linda Reijerkerk has been working as an IMI and MfN accredited mediator, facilitator and coach. She is a professional coach and mediator for business disputes, as well as for public law disputes (environmental, multiparty mediation).


Luis is a mediator, consensus building stakeholder engagement practitioner and negotiation consultant. He is the former Deputy Secretary of Conflict Management in the Prime Minister’s Office of Peru during the Sagasti Administration (2021). 

Maja Groff is an international lawyer based in The Hague, and is a Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission, which seeks to propose high impact global governance innovations adequate to meet the climate challenge.

Manjana Milkoreit is as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science of Purdue University.

Manju in her capacity as Secretary General of All India Women’s Conference, India’s largest women’s NGO born in 1927, funds and monitors innumerable grass roots programs that include Climate Governance, Peace and Sustainability and economic and political empowerment through its five hundred branches.

Mari Castillo is a lawyer specializing in climate finance and human rights.

Martin Frick is the Deputy of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Food System Summit 2021 and was the Senior Director of UN Climate Change where he was overseeing the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the secretariat’s Climate Action work.

Michael is Director of the Middle East Centre and Professor of Environmental Geography at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He is interested in ecological politics and governance as applied to questions of accountability, security and territory. 

Mohamed-Awali Ouro-Djeri Djobo is the Managing Director of the Association des Scientifiques Environnementalistes pour un Développement Intégré (ASEDI) in Lomé, Togo.

Mohammed Arifur Rahman is Founder and Chief Executive of Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) a registered non-government nonprofit voluntary organization for sustainable development in Bangladesh.

Dr. Savadogo leads the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted land use (WASCAL) since 2018 as Executive Director and Head of Mission.

Novie is a Statistician and Researcher by profession (2009), and studied environmental management and natural resource management from the University of the Philippines – Open University. She seeks to bridge project management, research, and statistical analysis with her diverse work experience from the public and private sectors in order to motivate people and communities to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives.

Prabha Sankaranarayan is the President and CEO of Mediators Beyond Borders International an international impact organization whose mission is to build local skills for peace and promote mediation worldwide.

Rezwana has been working with marginal groups, including the host community in a DRR (Food Assistance for Asset) in five sub-districts and FDMN at Cox’s Bazar. The recent project concentrates on biodiversity conservation in the livelihood nexus through climate actions, advocacy, and governance in three coastal districts, also called the modified delta of Bangladesh.

Sabushimike Mamert is the President of the Association of Friends of Nature (AAN) and communication and advocacy officer of the Burundian Coalition of Human Rights Defenders.

Dr. Shweta Tyagi is Chief Functionary of India Water Foundation and Associate Editor for Focus Global Reporter a UN accredited e-magazine. She is a development sector professional with 20 years experience managing multiple projects and programmes related to Sustainable Development, Water and Sanitation, Social Development, Livelihood Generation, and climate change.

Snigdha’s research explores how learning and capacity building for climate change can support transformative and climate just futures in climate and development contexts.

Dr Soji Oyeranmi is an Environmental and Developmental Historian. His research interests include: Environmental history, Developmental History,SDGs, Nigerian and African History, International and Diplomatic History, China-Africa Relations, Peace/Ethnic Studies, Democracy and Development; Entrepreneurship and Youth Development. 

Stevie Leonard Harison is a passionate youth activist from Indonesia. He is the founder of Inspirator Muda Nusantara, a national youth empowerment community focusing on the SDGs. He was the Indonesia Climate Ambassador of the Global Youth Climate Network (GYCN)-World Bank Group (2020). 

Thomas Fiutak is a Senior Fellow in the Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.

 Xira is a lecturer in International Relations (IR) at the Faculty of Political Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid). She holds a PhD in International Relations at UCM. Her research focuses on European leadership and the role of cities in the international environmental regime, crisis management and the relationship between environment and security.

Yeh-Tang Huang is the Taiwan Coordinator of the International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV).

Ziyan Yan, is a student majoring in Biotechnology at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University. Ziyan aspires to contribute in the field of better climate governance.