
Prabha Sankaranarayan
Prabha Sankaranarayan is the President and CEO of Mediators Beyond Borders International (http://mediatorsbeyondborders.org/) an international impact organization whose mission is to build local skills for peace and promote mediation worldwide. She co/leads MBBI’s recent partnership with Rotary International, a global network of 1.2 million members, with NAFCM, a North American network of over 300 mediation centers and the recently formed TRUST Network the first Early Warning and Response platform in the USA.
She is a conflict transformation practitioner who has mediated, facilitated and trained in Europe, Asia, Africa and the USA. Her public and private sector work includes conflict analysis for public/private partnerships, consultation & assessment for industrial development zones, design and implementation of trainings for multinational corporations; inter faith dialogues as well as facilitation of multi-stakeholder mediations. In her capacity as CEO of MBBI she designs conflict transformation and capacity building programs around the world, serves as a consultant for companies, policy makers, governments, universities and groups engaged in civil resistance and serves as an advisor on the role of women in peace and security.