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This project evaluates how climate change mitigation and adaptation can be effectively integrated into forestry policies to deliver on the ambition of ‘net-zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2040-2060.

The intended audience are national/transnational stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development and forestry that include national governments, multinational companies, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples and other actors play a crucial role in this. How these stakeholder partnerships negotiate the different interests and conflicts that define a just transition is critical for successful climate-forestry governance.

The wider concerns over participatory governance of forests, land rights, concern for indigenous/marginalised groups, the economic and agricultural role of forests and conservation are at the heart of this project. It therefore investigates the place of negotiating and situating climate change as part of the wider sustainability role of forests, and marrying these understandings as being essential to understanding a ‘just transition’ in forestry. Developing a consensual understanding among diverse stakeholder groups with frequently competing interests of what a just transition means for – and is required from – forestry (via bringing these divergent concerns and approaches together) will be a key outcome of the project.

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