Jin Tanaka

Jin Tanaka is the Branch Manager of the University Student Chamber International (UNISC) focusing on Climate issues at COP 26. He also belongs to Climate Youth Japan, one of the biggest youth-led organization working for Climate Change policy in Japan as a Vice President.
He has been a core member of many UNFCCC side events, moderated the ACE Youth Forum and the Climate Social Forum, Conference of Youth (COY16), and has contributed to the promotion of climate action from a youth perspective.
His research focuses on social communication by environmental dialogue and system of natural conservation area like geopark and UNESCO eco-park. Since 2016, he has helped Dr. Mitsuru Tada’s research activity for “Kankyo Cafés”, environment dialogue concerned with the environment and environmental issues. He also researches international conservation mechanisms of geo-park and eco-park provided by UNESCO.
He is currently working with Kyushu University, where he belongs, on marine spatial planning and research on policies and landforms for the realization of marine protected areas.