Jennifer Amejja

Jennifer Amejja is the Chief Executive Officer of Centre for Ecological Governance and Gender Initiatives and founding member. She is passionate about management, empowering and collaboration, partnering with local, national and international stakeholders while offering diverse community impression.
Jennifer is a promoter of Earth Jurisprudence, unwritten law that respects nature and instrumental in preserving the environment. She has worked with indigenous communities and custodians of sacred natural sites to revive indigenous knowledge in conserving and protecting the ecosystem. She has worked with indigenous women to promote agroecology farming system to facilitate the revival of lost indigenous seeds, a system that has enabled rural women farmers to be food sovereign. Agroecology ensures community access to safe, healthy and nutritious food, touches every aspect of human existence and vital to community’s achieving the 17 SDGs.
She has experience working with Sundry groups including climate vulnerable and water-stressed communities to participate in community engagements to promote climate resilient practices and creating awareness on the benefits of economic empowerment to improve livelihoods.
While implementing Women2030 programme, Jennifer promoted gender equity as a key element for reducing poverty among the marginalized, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.