Jecel Tandoc Censoro

Jecel Censoro is a PhD Researcher in Global Politics at Newcastle University. She is currently studying how Goal-Guided Learning is happening in Multilateral Development Banks under the supervision of Dr. Graham Long and Dr. Katharine Rietig. Alongside her PhD, Jecel also does consults on governance projects of international organisations and serves as a research assistant for the Better Climate Governance project.
Prior to taking a doctorate, Jecel worked for 10 years with governments, international organisations, non-government organisations and the private sector providing support on project design, management and monitoring and evaluation. She has worked with the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines supporting social projects related to education, financial inclusion, jobs and poverty reduction. She was a training consultant with Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung in its Energy Training for Young Professionals and with Kindernothlife Luxembourg in its Post-Disaster Recovery Project. Jecel was one of the youngest managers of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific handling the Checkmyschool project and the promotion of social accountability in East Asia Pacific.
Jecel holds a Masters in Public Administration, a Diploma in Public Management and a Bachelor of Psychology, all from the University of the Philippines. She was an Asian Future Leaders Scholar of Korea University and a Clinton Global Fellow of the Clinton Institute in Northern Ireland. For more information about Jecel’s background and engagements, visit www.jecelcensoro.me.