Jack Stuart

Jack W. Stuart is sustainable development and security professional, specializing in systemic environmental risks, multi-level climate governance, and the conflict-climate nexus. His research currently focuses on developing frameworks to track and measure climate risks, ambition, and action.
As a consultant and research analyst with the Environmental Security Program at the Stimson Center, he leads the implementation of the CORVI project, a tool which develops systematic multisectoral climate risk assessments for coastal cities. Currently operating in 8 coastal cities across the Caribbean, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific, the project focuses on integrating data sources across the land and seascape to help leaders advance sustainable development pathways. He is also co-leading research on reforming the UNFCCC to better support GHG emissions verification and climate finance tracking.
His past research projects also include the link between environmental degradation and violent extremism, and the impact of securitization on transboundary water management organizations in Africa.
His work has appeared in the Hill, Our Daily Planet, USIP, the Wilson Center, and Morning Consult. He has also participated as an invited speaker at events organized by UNDP, UNEP, G20, the Asian Development Bank Institute, U.S. Department of State, and at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26).