The ‘net’ in net-zero greenhouse gas emissions

The ‘net’ in net-zero greenhouse gas emissions

How can just transitions to societies with net-zero carbon/GHG emissions be successful in the forestry sector? Protecting forests, halting deforestation and supporting reforestation globally by increasing natural carbon sinks such as forests will be central in delivering on the ‘net’ aspect of countries’ ambition to achieve ‘net zero’ carbon/GHG emissions by 2040-2060. This aim however competes with agricultural business, logging and bio-energy related interests along global value chains as main drivers of deforestation.


Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a global survey of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs Partnerships on forestry and forestry-related climate policies, this project evaluates in co-production with central stakeholders how just transitions in the forestry and related agriculture/bio-energy sectors can be achieved. It focuses on drawing lessons and learning from successful SDG partnerships to achieve a successful integration of climate action through halting deforestation and just transitions for the actors whose livelihoods are adversely affected.



This project is funded by the British Academy under the Just Transitions within Sectors and Industries Globally.

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