Fidele Ruzigandekwe

Fidele is Environmental Practitioner and Expert, with a cumulative thirty-year track-record experience (with twenty years in leadership positions) spanning Government, Regional (interstates), NGO, Private Institutions and pertaining to Environmental Management / Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change within the Albertine Rift Region (Central – Eastern Part of Africa). His areas of expertise include: policy analysis, natural resource economics, sustainable finance, strategic planning and transboundary negotiations for natural resource management. He played key roles in institutional strengthening, research, education and advocacy, livelihood enhancement, resource mobilization, public – private partnership, etc.
He currently is affiliated with the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration (GVTC), a regional conservation institution created through a Treaty signed by the three Parter States of Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda for the sustainable management of the shared Greater Virunga Landscape (GVL), a unique landscape of global importance for biodiversity conservation and life sustaining systems (7 national parks along the shared boundaries of the three countries). He holds Master of Science in Conservation Biology, from University of Cape Town, South Africa.