Arthur Lyon Dahl

Dr. Arthur Lyon Dahl is President of the International Environment Forum, on the steering committee of the Climate Governance Commission, and a retired Deputy Assistant Executive Director of UNEP, where he coordinated the UN System-wide Earthwatch in Geneva and helped to draft Agenda 21. An environmental scientist specializing on coral reefs and small islands, he organising the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). He represented the Baha’i International Community at the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, participated in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002), the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 in 2012), the Stockholm+50 International Meeting in 2022, and UN Climate Change Conferences COP15 (Copenhagen 2009) and COP21 (Paris 2015) among others. He co-authored “Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century,” and “Towards a Global Environment Agency: Effective Governance for Shared Ecological Risks”.